UDEW – The Online Dictionary

(Ukrainian-German Dictionary = Ukrainisch DEutsches Wörterbuch = UDEW)
With the full version of UDEW you can easily read entire Ukrainian texts word by word in German on your Windows PC without having to look them up in a Dictionary, and there are even more useful facilities!
Type in Ukrainian or German words here. Ukrainian inflected word forms will be detected too.

Look up: Tastaturbild

ukrainisch РДБ́ abbreviation für Росі́йська держа́вна бібліоте́ка

deutsch: Staatliche Russische Bibliothek, Russische Staatsbibliothek

   РЃ (#1)
   РЃ (#2)
   РЃ (#3)
→ РДБ́
   реабілітаці́йний центр

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